“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”
Our test prep classes ensure you do your best and achieve the highest possible score on your examination.
Our courses teach strategy and tips for each section of the IELTS exam: writing, listening, reading, and speaking. Students are given mock tests and sample questions to learn how to manage anxiety and develop skill.
The TOEFL examination is a computer-based test required for admissions to many universities. Learn the exam format and note-taking skills in our Western-style course. Basic computer skills are also reviewed.
Tell us which test you're preparing for and we'll provide study resources and individualized instruction. These tests are advanced! In order to achieve a high score, you must commit to a study schedule.
A verbal and quantitative reasoning examination used by university programs to assess skills and reasoning abilities. Critical thinking skills are important, so we focus on test-taking techniques and strategy.
Interview Practice
Preparing for an interview? Learn to manage your stress, build confidence and speak with ease. Classes can be tailored for army selection, visa appointments, employment opportunities, and university interviews.
Life Skills
Life Skills is a language test focused on English speaking and listening abilities. This test is often required for U.K. visa and immigration purposes. We simulate mock tests so you are prepared for your test day.